

For Women Only Your Computer Usage Could Cost You Your Job 0
Digital Transformation: Business with benefits

Digital transformation is a process in which companies adopt technology as a way to adapt to current and constantly evolving technology in order to improve team performance, simplify work processes, improve customer experience, increase business impact and market reach.

11 mai 2022
How does this work 0
Internet of Things: Impact on business IoT devices have enabled the production of new sources of revenue for businesses by recording and transferring data to monitor processes, provide new insights, and increase the efficiency of teams to allow companies to make more strategic decisions. 
13 abr 2022
Teste 3 0
Process Automation: Greater business productivity Process automation consists in eliminating repetitive manual tasks - to a lesser or greater degree - from teams on a daily basis. Therefore, it is the conversion of something existing and performed manually allied to technology as a way to improve, optimize, and make processes free of human error.
02 mar 2022
Teste 2 0
Nearshore: Business-changing partnerships Nearshore is a way for companies and businesses to reach higher levels and stands out in particular for its many advantages in terms of access to highly qualified resources with the right know-how.
16 mar 2022
Internet of Things - onde o mundo físico encontra o digital 2
Internet of Things: Where the physical world meets the digital one Internet of Things is essential when it comes to adding value to business and decision-making.
03 nov 2021
Digitalização: O primeiro passo para mudar o seu negócio 0
Digitalization: The first step to change your business Electronic processes are increasingly part of the way we work and consume, and digitalization is a worldwide trend that has opened several opportunities in different business areas, inevitable for the survival and growth of businesses. So digitalization is already a reality that''s here to stay.
Transformação Digital - O caminho do futuro empresarial 1
Digital Transformation: The business future Digital transformation can be described as a process through which companies make use of technology to optimize work and improve performance in order to obtain better results.
17 nov 2021
Porquê investir num website à medida? 0
Why invest in a tailor-made website? Investing in a tailor-made website is essential for companies, as it is your company's reflection to the world; it is the way you present yourself to the public.
08 set 2021
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